Photo Credit: SVDDEN DEATH Facebook

Survival Guide: Mosh Pit Edition

I’ve been in many pits surrounded by big guys. During one of SVDDEN DEATH’s sets, I dislocated my shoulder, and the medics popped it back in at the medical tent. From that experience, I’ve picked up some tips and tricks on how to survive a SVDDEN DEATH mosh pit. Especially for loyal CVLT members who are descending into the chaos of SVDDEN DEATH’s “Voydome – Eye Of The Deceiver” this weekend. The heavy lineup features SVDDEN DEATH B2B Marauda, PhaseOne, a Voyd set, Kill Safari, and Of The Trees. Below are some tips for surviving the mosh pits and chaos:

Photo Credit: SVDDEN DEATH Facebook


It’s crucial to drink plenty of water if you plan to mosh hard. The pit can get hot, sweaty, and grimy, and it is not the place to pass out from dehydration. Do yourself a favor and stay hydrated no matter what. 


As you mosh into people, items can easily fall out of your pockets. Use zip-up pockets, deep pockets, fanny packs, or small bags to keep your possessions safe. You can even give them to one of your besties to hold onto. That way, you won’t lose your phone or important belongings in the pit. Tie your shoes TIGHT and make sure they have traction because Voydome will be filthy all night! Especially when the wall of death comes, you want to make sure everything you came with leaves with you.


We’re all in the mosh pit together. Groups may get separated, but that’s part of the adrenaline rush. You’ll make new friends throughout the night, united by the chaos and the music. We look out for each other, pick each other up when we fall, and hype each other up. Step out of your comfort zone, make some new friends, and keep those rave fams growing! 

Photo Credit: SVDDEN DEATH Facebook


If someone falls, help them up. Get out of the pit if you’re only there to cause harm. If you see something, say something. Don’t be afraid to call someone out if they are not acting PLUR. Mosh pits are about fun and chaos, not causing harm. 


A mosh pit may cause bumps and bruises, but intentionally hitting someone in the head is different. Keep your fists near your chest to avoid unnecessary harm. This will also help protect you if you fall, help with the impact of the fall, and keep the bruising to a minimum. Protect your face and ribs at all costs if you can. Keeping your hands close to your body helps make sure no shoulders get dislocated during a sick drop. Just because you’re in the pit doesn’t mean you should punch people or cause intentional harm.


You’re at Voydome to have a great time. If you don’t want to be pushed around, just say no and step aside. Know your limit and know when to step away from the pits. The good news is that the pits will be there for two days.

Photo Credit: SVDDEN DEATH Facebook

Following these tips will ensure you have a safe mosh pit experience at Voydome. Expect plenty of filthy riddim, energetic movements, and all the craziness of a SVDDEN DEATH VOYD set. Now is the time to go absolutely wild. Get your last minute Voydome tickets here. To join the CVLT, check out the links below!