The sun is shining brighter and nights are getting longer—festival season is finally here!
Camping festivals are an experience like none other. That being said, they do require more preparation than your typical festival. Anyone spending 3+ days camping will need to have the standard camping essentials like bedding, toiletries, and swimsuits to have a pleasant time. We’ve put together some must-haves that you might not find on a traditional camping checklist to ensure a memorable Camp EDC filled with laughter instead of disaster.
1. A Wagon
Bringing items from your car to any campsite is stressful enough. Now imagine there is a long, frustrating gravel road separating the parking lot from the campsite… and the temperature is in the 90’s! A wagon will make transporting everything SO much easier!

2. Water, Water, and You Guessed It—More Water
Hydration is pivotal for a fun and successful time at EDC. This festival is not for the weak—it is three days of music from sunset to sunrise. For four days, you will be doing a lot of walking, dancing, and making memories, just remember that EDC is a marathon. Dehydrated and overheated is not a fun combo for anyone!
Bring extra cases of water, reusable water bottles, and your hydration packs to make full use of the refill stations all over the campgrounds. Your future self will thank you for hydrating. Don’t forget hydration boosters such as Pedialyte and Gatorade!
3. A Lil Snacky Snack
Like having extra water, your future self will be grateful for food. To keep the festivities going without any hiccups, it’s important to have enough food and snacks on deck to make at least one solid meal during the daytime. You unfortunately cannot keep going all weekend long on just a singular chicken tender and vibes. You’re at EDC—you’ve earned that little snacky snack!

4. Home Sweet Campsite
From Thursday afternoon to Monday morning, your campsite will be your home. Make it fun! Bring flags, LED lights, blow-up aliens, tapestries, or anything else that will spice up your campsite. Camp EDC is a blast! It’s a safe space where you can let loose, so don’t be afraid to make it yours! Walking past rows of creative campsites looking for your own adds a fun adventure to the walk home. Having identifiable campsite landmarks makes it significantly easier to find your campsite after a long night of dancing and helps when meeting up with other campers.
Some other items that will make your campsite homier are lawn chairs, a deck of cards (one was provided in your wristband box), red Solo cups, ping-pong balls, a table, or whatever else might help pass the time during the day. The different games can also help you make friends with your neighbors. Do what you have to do to make your campsite your home; remember to keep it PLUR!