Photo By: Moon Boots Facebook

Moon Boots Bass Camp 2024 Interview

Moon Lvnding made it out to Bass Camp 2024 and we took the opportunity to catch up with Moon Boots.

Moon Boots: Moon Lvnding and Moon Boots, haha. Either way, we’re going to the moon!

Erika Minnix: Your set brought the energy tonight! How does it feel to be in Reno playing at Bass Camp

MB: I love it. It was fun. I’d never played anything like it here before. I’ve only been to the Reno airport to play at Snow Globe in Lake Tahoe, but I’ve enjoyed it. It’s like a mini Disco Pussy Vegas club. Disco Pussy is a club for those listening out there. Reno is like a Fremont Street experience. 

EM: Can you discuss your Big Love Recs debut with your new single, “In My Life”?

MB: I started making an 80s R&B song for fun. I wanted to create something that felt like a sample that I would turn into a bootleg. I don’t know if I’ve done enough sampling. When I’m sampling, I sample a vocal and put music underneath it. But I wondered, what if I wrote the vocal and made it my own? 

EM: As you continue to evolve, what influences your sound?

MB: I list different beats and drum snares that I like and keep track of. Sometimes, if it hits, it hits. I try to improve it and listen every day. 

Photo Credit: Moon Boots Facebook

EM: Who is your dream collab? 

MB: There are so many amazingly talented DJs I’ve wanted to work with. You make your dream list, and sometimes they say yes, and sometimes they say no. You just have to stay flexible. Off the top of my head, if I had to say, it would be Disclosure or Anderson .Paak, but again, that’s just off the top of my head.

EM: What has been your favorite venue where you’ve played? 

MB: Oh, I’ve played all over. Yesterday, I was in Dallas, TX, and it was crazy. Dallas and Houston always go crazy. I have a lot of fans there.

EM: I saw you when you played at Shady Park; I snuck in through a back gate. I don’t know if I should be saying that out loud, but it was sold out, and all my friends were inside. 

MB: Haha, that’s awesome, I love the dedication. I haven’t played in Phoenix in a while. 

Photo Credit: Moon Boots Facebook

EM: After this, you’re catching a red-eye flight. You spend a lot of time on the road touring from festival to festival. What’s your go-to travel snack?

MB: Oh, I am a Delta Club member. I know the pamphlet like the back of my hand. I don’t have a preference. You have to become flexible because if you get your heart set on one snack, and it’s not there, it ruins the mood, and you can’t have that. 

EM: So true. Your daughter’s birthday is coming up. Do you think she’ll be running those decks soon? 

MB: Yes, she’s turning two! I don’t want to pressure her into anything yet, but she’ll [try] piano, and we have this electric piano. She’ll play with the buttons. It just makes the keys louder. There are lights, but when I start to play, she stops. I don’t want to push her yet. She’s too young for a record deal, but maybe soon.

Photo Credit: Moon Boots Facebook

EM: Haha, this has been great! I’m Erika Minnix with Moon Lvnding. Thank you so much for joining me, Moon Boots. Have a safe flight tonight and enjoy your day party tomorrow.

Be on the lookout to stream Moon Boots’s new single “In My Life” next Friday, August 9! To keep up with all things Moon Boots, connect using the links below!