Empowering Women: 5 Tips For Safe Solo Raving

In honor of International Women’s Day, Moon Lvnding wants to motivate and encourage women to attend shows and music festivals. Everyone should feel safe and confident in this community when doing something they love, even going out solo. We’ve provided five tips that will help keep you safe and happy while dancing the night away. 


One of the most critical steps to preparing for a solo festival or show is to research the area and the venue you will be attending. While most events are safe once you enter, the surrounding areas might not be. Plan and research to identify safe locations for purchasing supplies, stocking up on food and fuel, and other necessary stops on the trip to ensure your safety while traveling.

Share Your Location

Whether in a group or by yourself, it is important to share your location with friends and family outside of the event and to keep them aware of how long it will last. For those attending out-of-state festivals alone, it is imperative that someone can monitor your safe arrival and departure from the festival. By staying in communication with others, you will ensure that you are connected and informed. In the face of unforeseen circumstances, communication can provide expedited and timely support. 

Make Friends

Do not be shy, make friends with your neighbors at the campsite or on the dancefloor. You can spend your whole experience with your new friends or check in with them occasionally throughout the festival. Either way, you will probably make a new rave friend for life and feel more comfortable knowing there are other people at the event that you can reach out to if needed. 

Keep It Quiet

While making new friends can be an exciting experience, do not advertise that you are attending the festival or show alone. You don’t have to hide this from new people you meet, but you also shouldn’t be broadcasting it to everyone around you. Although it’s unlikely, this could lead to the wrong person following you back to camp, so it is better to stay safe and limit the number of people who know you’re alone.

Harm Reduction

Although harm reduction is vital to any raver, it is vital for solo ravers. Being aware of your surroundings, having designated meeting points, and setting communication times can help mitigate risks associated with attending events alone. Multiple harm reduction tips can be utilized to ensure safety, including covering your drink when in crowds, avoiding substances from strangers, keeping your items secured, and knowing when to trust your gut to get away from a situation. 

Attending a festival alone may initially seem daunting, especially for a woman, but it holds the potential for self-discovery, self-assurance, and making new life-long friends. As long as you stay safe and aware of your surroundings, the solo festival or concert may be one of your most memorable experiences yet!