Gentlemens Club and Aweminus Craft Killer Collab “Death Club”

Article by: Sam Wolloch

Two powerhouses in the bass music scene joined forces to craft the killer new dubstep track “Death Club,” for Bassrush Records, an imprint of the Insomniac Music Group. Gentlemens Club, a trio from the United Kingdom, and Aweminus, a Southern California-based producer, excel at delivering dark bass and set the soundscape for this edgy thriller. Both artists have extensive experience producing heavy bass tracks, and with their prowess combined, they’ve truly created something special.

Death Club” begins with the Aweminus, I mean ominous, sounds of a secret back alley club, greeted by 90s-esque drum and bass. Like a scene straight out of Blade, a sinister voice warns “dead man walking” as the synths lash out and grow in intensity. Suspense drips off of every note as a second warning is made “death walks among us.” But by now it is already too late, as a demonic voice exclaims “let’s kill” and the full power of this bass track is unleashed. There is a brief moment of pause when the heavy bass recedes, as Gentlemens Club and Aweminus give listeners a chance to catch their breath and calm their nerves, because they “look like they’ve seen a ghost.” But the reprieve is short-lived, as the producers quickly ramp back up to a deadlier second drop. “Death Club” is exactly as advertised and isn’t for the faint of heart.

Both artists have been keeping busy in 2020, despite the recent lack of live music shows. Gentlemens Club dropped the Gully Mode EP in addition to “Moments,” while Aweminus released at least seven new bass-laden singles by my count. Be sure to connect with and listen to these artists, because they continue to craft banging bass tunes for the electronic dance music community.

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LISTEN to Aweminus

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