Latest update: 5/11/2023 9:24pm PT
Latest update: 5/17/2023 2:33pm PT
Just days after the end of Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention month, the world-famous venue, Avalon Hollywood, has booked Datsik.
Five years ago, I would’ve never thought I would have to write, read, or hear this sentence again. For those unaware and wondering why, start with the embedded tweets below.
In the midst of his Ninja Nation Tour in 2018, the dubstep artist was accused of sexual assault, with multiple allegations arising from members of the dance music community. Allegedly this included scenarios where he would bring victims onto his tour bus, get them inebriated, and take advantage of them, as well as making inappropriate passes with the implication of soliciting sexual acts.
In addition to these allegations. Datsik has a long history of horrifically tasteless jokes, saying things like “‘TULSA’ (read it backwards),” and then giving women passes with “TULSA” written on it, as well as laughing at a joke saying “Rape is such a strong term, I prefer the term struggle snuggle.”

When Datsik did finally acknowledge the allegations, his apology came across as less than sincere. I think I can confidently speak for most of the community when we say that we are absolutely shocked to hear this news, and are appalled by Avalon’s actions.
UPDATE 5/11/23 9:24 PM: Moonlvnding has obtained an exclusive statement from a source close to the blog, regarding a recent encounter with Datsik. The source has wished to remain anonymous. Statement edited for clarity and conciseness.
“Early one morning weekend 2 of Coachella, at an after party, a woman struck up a conversation with me. I mentioned I worked in music, and she immediately started telling me her boyfriend was a well known DJ needing representation. Upon introducing me to him, I tensed immediately as I recognized it was Datsik. They both stood uncomfortably close to me and began to insist he was making a comeback. He said something along the lines of “I got caught up on twitter for being a hoe, but I’m getting booked again, so it’s fine.” He then began to try to play some demos despite myself being visibly uncomfortable, at which point I excused myself from them, and then proceeded to change my plans for the rest of the weekend so as not to encounter them again.”
Moonlvnding will always stand by victims of sexual assault, and refuses to condone the actions of Avalon, DATSIK, and all other perpetrators of abuse in not only our community, but everywhere. If you or someone you love has been a victim of abuse, please know you are supported and not alone. RAINN provides resources for victims, and are available 24/7 at their hotline, 800-566-HOPE. Helping survivors is also another great advocacy center for victims of domestic violence or sexual abuse.
UPDATE 5/17/23 2:33 PT
The latest attempt at booking Datsik is now a lesser known nightclub in Los Angeles, QC/ Lit LA Nightclub.
It appears that you are only able to see what the venue is after purchasing a ticket, and one twitter user appears to have found the location of the event. It’s not known if they purchased to attend or just to figure out the location of the venue.

901 Via San Clemente, Montebello, CA
(714) 705-5115