Sometimes artists explode onto the scene, for example, John Summit went from posting tutorials in his parents’ basement to headlining all over the world in three years. But more often, artists’ careers are built over several years of developing their signature sounds. Maddy O’Neal is one of the latter artists. Her style of organic funk, soul, and groove is influenced by her rhythmic inclinations. She has the flexibility to perform live sets in addition to DJ sets, making her a dynamic talent in the EDM scene. Her collab with CloZee, “Zest Please” is her top-played track on Spotify racking in over 3 million streams.
She recently dropped her fifth EP, Mind Over Matter, and it is packed with texture, beauty, and ear candy. Fans of GRiZ’s wonky grooves will appreciate the infinitely fun and diverse EP Maddy O’Neal delivered. She is currently on the road for her largest headlining tour, hitting 31 cities all over the country on her Mind Over Matter Tour. Tickets are still available on her website.

Additionally, Maddy O’Neal was just announced on Insomniac’s Countdown NYE lineup in SoCal to ring in the New Year. With that in mind, let’s get into the interview and see what she had to say.
Annalee Noel: Hey! Tell us the standard stuff. Who are ya?!
Maddy O’Neal: Maddy O’Neal, 33, Denver, Colorado.
AN: When did you get the first taste of “I want music to be my job?”

MO: Sophomore year of college is when I started diving into making music and I knew right away I was going to be hooked forever. I always wanted to end up in music but I didn’t necessarily find a way there until I immersed myself in electronic music. My diaries always said “I wanna be a famous singer like Brittany Spears,” but the path ended up looking a little different lol.
AN: I love that! I think my journal said something similar. You’ve been making music for quite a while now. What phase of your life were you in when you got started? Do you play any instruments? What is your hardware/software setup like?
MO: I was 20. I was definitely full-on party mode in college at CU Boulder and just diving head-first into the electronic music scene for the first time. I discovered PL [Pretty Lights], Griz, STS9, Deadmau5, so EDM was peaking in my eyes. It was such an inspiring time to be getting my start. I pretty much taught myself everything I know from YouTube and trial and error. I play keys now but am not classically trained. I use Ableton Live to produce with drum pads and keyboards/synthesizers. My live setup is Ableton + MPD232 + Roland SPD-S.
AN: Wow what a time to dive in, absolutely a peak time in EDM! Who/what originally inspired you to get into making music and continues to inspire you now?

MO: I grew up in a very musical household. My dad and brother were in bands growing up and they were constantly playing guitar and records around the house. I dabbled in piano and cello growing up but I never stuck with it. I was into sports and kinda saw music as my brother’s “thing.” It wasn’t until I moved to Boulder to go to school that my eyes were opened to a whole new world and one that felt accessible to me. The EDM world keeps evolving and changing, and seeing so many artists popping up all the time with all the access to technology and visibility – I’m constantly inspired to push the envelope.
AN: EDM is always giving us something new which is incredible. Tell us more about your direct music influences and background. Can you elaborate on how you developed your sound?
MO: It has taken a long long time to develop my sound. I was in a duo project for five years called Krooked Drivers, and when I left that to do my solo thing it was like a fresh start almost. I was obviously still going to carry over some of my influence from that project, but I really wanted the Maddy solo music to sound like “ME.” A lot of that is subconscious, taken from my many influences over the years – my taste ranges a ton but, at the end of the day, funk and soul are at the roots of anything that I vibe with. Sampling vinyl from the golden ages of that era helped me learn a lot about groove and basslines and swing, elements that really carried over into my sound.
AN: Wow, what a rich era to draw from! So when did you pick up DJing and what has been your favorite show to play?
MO: I was definitely a producer before I was a DJ. I was honestly just so fascinated with how to make the music I was hearing, and that was my main focus – it wasn’t until later that I thought about doing it for a living or in a live setting. I DJ live in Ableton, and that started pretty soon after making music, like 2 years in. But picking up decks was actually much newer, I started over 2020. I ultimately like to play in Ableton because when I’m playing most of my own music it allows me to interact with it so much more – I can cut things out into my drum pads to play with, etc. But when the pandemic happened I was live-streaming and getting a little bored doing it the same old way – I invested in CDJs, fell in love with house music, and kinda started there in terms of DJing on actual decks. Favorite show – Red Rocks will take the cake forever.

AN: That’s a slick way to get into DJing on CDJs. Some people were making banana bread but you were focusing on pushing your craft. Super inspirational! You also perform live often. Which instrument(s) do you love to work with and why?
MO: I am very rhythmic so I love using drum pads – it’s the feeling of chopping samples or just adding in a little head nod shit.
AN: You’ve toured a ton the past few years. Who has the best breakfast? Who has the best crowd?
MO: Honestly, I had the best breakfast in Portland, OR. The freshest farm fresh ingredients in a hash…I wish I could remember the name of the place. Crowd-wise – Denver obviously. Other than that, I love the Midwest to be honest…Summer Camp Fest and Chicago always show up so hard!
AN: We sure do love a good hash. The EDM scene tries to be inclusive and uplifting – its founding principles. But as a female producer/DJ I’m sure you’re familiar with “Whose girlfriend are you? Do you need me to help you plug in your USB? You know how to use CDJs right?” and the usual BS. Although things are changing, if you could waive a magic wand and drastically improve/change one thing in the scene, what would it be and why?
MO: Egos! Leave them at the door….
AN: Amen to that! Anything on your music producer bucket list you are looking forward to conquering?

MO: Headlining bigger venues …getting to design my own production and curate the vibes. Also want to tour Europe!
AN: Hopefully that’s in your future! Europe needs a little funky soul. If you could send a text to your 20-something-year-old self when you started, what would you say?
MO: Don’t give up. Stay true to you and your sound – it’s going to take a while to find your lane but there is no other “You.” Trust your gut and keep working – you’ll figure it out!
AN: Love that! Let’s spin the question a bit – what’s a message that you try to portray to your fans?
MO: Anything is possible if you put your mind to it + community, people and love are so powerful.

AN: And now for some fun ones to finish with. What is a hobby or weird talent of yours that isn’t necessarily related to music?
MO: I love snowboarding…I actually was a bit of a “park rat” in college. But now I just like powder days.
AN: When in Colorado, might as well make the mountains a hobby! At Moon Lvnding, we like to practice gratitude. What are some things you are grateful for? It can be in your career and/or personal life.
MO: I am grateful for my friends and the people around me. I wouldn’t be who I am or where I am without the unwavering support of these people. They believed in me before I believed in me and that’s a beautiful thing.
AN: Truly beautiful. Anything else you would like to share with us and your fans before signing off?
MO: Come see me on the Mind Over Matter Tour! This is my longest consecutive headline run and the vibes are high! I can’t wait to meet you!

Thanks again to Maddy O’Neal for joining us on Moon Lvnding. Remember, tickets are still available via her website. To connect with her, use the handy links below.