Pasquale Rotella Opens it Up For Another Q&A Session

Story by: Kate Nelson

Pasquale Rotella, founder and CEO of Insomniac, went live on Instagram on May 21st to answer questions from fans in the comments. Of course, many centered around EDC, and the first question answered was if it is still happening, as well as learning the fate of several other Insomniac events.

As of right now, EDC Las Vegas is still on, but Rotella noted that an official decision will be made by the end of June, and of course attendees would be notified in the most timely manner possible.

Interestingly in a follow up question inquiring about masks, he said it would be likely masks will be required at EDC this year but could be subject to change.

In other event changes, Nocturnal Wonderland, America’s longest running rave, has officially been pushed to 2021. Insomniac was already having troubles securing a venue pre-COVID19, so this comes as no surprise, but Rotella reassured fans it will be back next year.

HARD Summer Festival will also be postponed and pushed to 2021. During the live Q&A Rotella said all ticket holders would be refunded, however right around the time of his livestream, the HARD page posted an announcement saying tickets are refundable or can be kept and used for 2021.

Two of Insomniac’s other most popular events, Escape and EDC Orlando, are still on for now, but again, subject to change. Info on ticket sales will be coming soon as the situation evolves. Rotella made note of the fact Florida is a bit ahead of the curve on opening back up, which is a good sign for November’s Orlando edition of EDC.

Rotella also acknowledged the fact that California is one of the more tightly locked down states, and there’s the question of events even happening there at all in 2020. This has led the Insomniac team to look at potentially moving events out of state this year, naming Vegas as a possibility. All this is just discussion of possibilities and not concrete nor official.

Anxious ravers ready to get back out on the dance floor asked about the possibility of Insomniac branded car raves. While the idea is the subject of controversial discourse on the internet, Rotella was happy to announce a location has been secured in Arizona for some road rave action, and more info would be coming soon.

Everything is subject to change in these funky times, but Rotella has been a beacon of quiet positivity and unity. His livestreams have brought millions together, virtually, and they might even continue on after the raves have returned. He has been updating his event goers, called Headliners, consistently and with the reassuring stance that Insomniac is making the best, safest decisions possible. Overall, his dedication to keeping the dance music scene alive, healthy, and happy, is extremely admirable. He plans to do more Q&As in the future, so keep your eyes peeled on Instagram for the next one.