Electric Forest Is More Than A Festival – It’s Home

Article by: Shae McCormack

Music festivals with mind-melting production and world-renowned artists are the industry standard. Many of us have been fortunate enough to experience these incredible events, but the magical Electric Forest is so much more than just a music festival. Hidden amongst the trees in remote Rothbury, Michigan at the Double JJ Resort – Sherwood Forest is home.

Sherwood Forest is a place to return to yourself. It is a place to return to the earth. It is a much-anticipated homecoming, reuniting us with friends, family, and strangers near the time of the summer solstice. Until one experiences the vibrant community of the Electric Forest Family, it is hard to fully appreciate what I mean when I call it home – but I’ll do my best to share what it means to me.

Credit: Shae McCormack / @shaelien111

Electric Forest is famous for its spirit of curiosity, play, wonder, and an occasional side quest, but what stands out about this festival experience is its meaningful sense of community and humanity. The EDM community prides itself on a culture of PLUR – Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect – and Electric Forest brings these values to the fore.

PLUR applies far beyond raves – to all humans, animals, and mother nature herself; differences are celebrated and connections are cherished. This festival expands far past electronic dance music, including iconic jam bands and artists from diverse genres. There are endless ways to lean into the Forest’s connected community. This year I integrated myself by practicing yoga with Hannah Muse, engaging with sessions at the Brainery, and participating in the Humanity Circle on Day 3.

Credit: Shae McCormack / @shaelien111

It can be a big ask to practice yoga at high noon during a camping festival, but from personal experience, I promise you it is well worth it for your body, mind, and spirit. Ground yourself into the grass, breathe with the wind, feel the sun on your skin, and connect with the communal energy of a present Forest Family.

There is profound power flowing and stretching together with so many humans, and the Tripolee stage is a nice grassy space for practice. The yoga sessions were beautiful reminders to make ourselves available for meaningful life experiences and the value of investing time into ourselves. Plus, I can honestly say, my body has never felt better after a 4-day festival.

Credit: Shae McCormack / @shaelien111

The Brainery is a large orange tent in the center of Main Street where many knowledgeable speakers share their expertise on key topics for the Forest Family, engaging the crowd in an activity or discussion. With topics ranging from guided meditations, sound baths, and kendama flow to polyamory, erotic blueprints, neurodiversity, and even forestry, there is a session for every interested mind at the Brainery!

One session that stood out to me this year was “Intention Setting for a Magical Weekend” with Ade. I ground myself into my “why” at the start of each festival, but having the opportunity to listen to others share their intentions and the personal stories behind them, was a truly inspiring way to kick off Day 1 of Electric Forest. A few intentions I heard repeated were:

  • Don’t be so hard on yourself.
  • Let go of what is holding you back.
  • Spread love.
  • Be present in the moment.
  • Trust your intuition.

Hearing multiple people share similar intentions towards self-love, trust, and presence reminded me that we are not unique in our struggles, and we can inspire each other regardless of where we are.

Credit: Shae McCormack / @shaelien111

My favorite Forest experience was the Humanity Circle, where all humans are welcome. Led by Hannah Muse, the Humanity Circle allowed participants the opportunity to connect on a deeper level and tune into who we are on a spiritual level. Being present, vulnerable, and available among “strangers” tapped us into a powerful, tribal energy, where divisions caused by ego were released.

We closed the ceremony by chanting and singing together as one. The tree spirits of Sherwood Forest swayed the slender Red Pines to our song on Saturday afternoon. The Humanity Circle is something you have to experience for yourself to fully understand, but once that understanding is made, one will know that they have always known.

Credit: Shae McCormack / @shaelien111

The first time I visited Electric Forest in 2022, it did not feel like the first time I had been to this place. I had a sense of deja vu – an unexplainable knowing that a part of me had been searching for this place my entire life and was finally found. The Electric Forest Family reminds me why I keep going when life feels heavy, when the news is scary, and when hope feels distant. This community has lifted me up and inspired me in a way no other music festival ever has, and I take pride in knowing I contribute the same inspiration to others. There is truly no place like coming home to Electric Forest.