Written By: Aly Bryne
“Oh. Em. Gee.” If you missed this year’s Bassrush Massive then you missed out on one hell of a time. Arizona had some of the hottest names in bass music enter the doors of Rawhide Event Center and they were far from disappointing. Even though this was considered a small festival, we were also able to see some of our favorite vendors like We Rave Hard, The Pop Icon, and The Flow Shop. Also, a HUGE shout out to the volunteers working as Rangers helping to keep us all safe, cooled down, and dancing all night. The headbangers on the rail were having the time of their lives breaking their necks to some filthy drops and the flow artists in the back were getting down with their mesmerizing talents. All in all, this year was one for the books and a night that none of us will ever forget.

Photo by: Aly Byrne
The night got started with a vicious back to back from locals Mike Dao and Bigstabes. The dynamic duo gave us a set bursting with energy, excitement and breathtaking visuals that were not expected! Sharps took the stage next and got our bass faces going in full swing. People came running inside as the bass got heavier and he tore us apart with some singles from his latest EP. My energy was depleted just from the first 2 acts!

Photo by: Aly Byrne
Marauda, formerly known as Mastadon, followed with a set that blew us all away. For being so young, Marauda’s sets are packed with a punch and are not for the faint of heart. Not a single person was sitting still the whole time and you could feel his happiness to be there radiating from the stage. Every hardcore headbanger was satisfied when Riot Ten came on and gave an earth rumbling performance. The crowd went absolutely bonkers when he dropped his greatest hit, “Rail Breaker.” If his music didn’t blow your mind, then the lasers probably did! Herobust was next with a set so filthy I don’t think Ill be clean for weeks. I waited 2 and a half years for another chance to see Herobustand this set was the perfect was to experience him for the first time.

Photo by: Aly Byrne
The highlight of the night was hearing him play, “Move Mint.” Black Tiger Sex Machine took the stage next and took us to church. Adrenaline levels raised as we chanted with them, “B…T…S…M! B…T…S…M!” Fans couldn’t seem to keep their tiger helmets on with how much they were headbanging and dancing to songs like, “Zombie,” “King Cobra,” and their latest remix of “Gold” by Illenium and Excision. The boys did a meet and greet at the merch tent before their set to give us their time, attention, and appreciation and got an awesome group picture. Closing out the night was Flux Pavilion who had us crying and headbanging at the same time. Flux has an amazing way of incorporating beautiful melodies in to bass heavy tunes that makes for an unforgettable set like nothing you’ve ever heard. The confetti rained down on us as we celebrated a night with some of our favorite artists and best friends.
Cant get enough of the Arizona scene? This Saturday is filled with events from Relentless beats, just visit www.relentlessbeats.com

Photo by: Aly Byrne