Could we see more sober raves in the future? Patrick Topping threw his first back on October 27 at World Headquarters Club in Newcastle. Back in September, he announced on Instagram, “I’m putting on a Sober October Rave! No alcohol will be served, and it will be during the day. I started playing sober in 2017, and it changed my relationship with music and partying and improved my mental and physical health so much.” Bringing the focus to health and support at a rave isn’t the status quo, and yet it was a massive success!

Topping reflected on the event, posting on his Instagram, “This isn’t about taking away people’s choice, it’s about providing an extra choice. Also some people need this type of event. It was nice to speak to people who told some of their sobriety stories. Such a mix of people there, fitness fanatics, people in recovery, but mainly sober curious ravers who didn’t want to feel like shite the next day for change 😂 It was amazing to see the energy and everyone proper going for it! I was so nervous for this, but I had a massive feeling it would work and thankfully it did, I’m f*kin buzzing! It was so important to me that it felt proper and it did, so going to have to do a dry Jan one now 💥 More info incoming asap ❤️”

If you would like to stay informed, Patrick Topping has set up a link here for more. Those looking to stay up to date with everything Patrick Topping can follow along through the links below.